What is Tinnitus

Tinnitus is the medical word for hearing noise in one ear, both ears or in the head. The noise comes from inside the body rather than an outside source. People with tinnitus can experience different types of sound, such as buzzing, humming or whistling (the word 'Tinnitus' comes from the Latin word 'tinnire', which means 'to ring').
Sometimes, people only notice these sounds when it is very quiet, such as at night. Other people find that they are much louder and can intrude on everyday life. Click the links below for more information:
Adults with troublesome tinnitus can be referred to the Tinnitus Clinic, where we offer:
- Assessment of the tinnitus
- Information and advice
- Coping techniques
- A treatment plan to help manage tinnitus more effectively
- Ongoing support
How can I be seen in the Tinnitus Clinic?
If you would like to be seen about your tinnitus, you must have been seen by an ENT consultant who will check your ears and hearing pathway. The consultant can then refer you to the Tinnitus Clinic. If you have not yet seen a consultant, ask your GP to refer you to the ENT department. Once we have received a referral from ENT, we can offer you an appointment at Heartlands Hospital or Good Hope Hospital.
What will happen during my tinnitus appointment?
When you arrive an audiologist will carry out:
- A hearing test
- Pitch match testing (where we try to find out the pitch of your tinnitus)
These tests take about 30 minutes. After these tests you will see a Hearing Therapist who will:
- Ask you some questions about your tinnitus and how it is affecting you
- Explain how the ear works
- Explain what tinnitus is
- Explain how this can relate to stress
- Briefly discuss management options
- Arrange a review to begin a treatment plan with you
How can a Hearing Therapist help me manage my tinnitus?
The Hearing Therapist will work with you to make a personal treatment plan. Treatment options offered may include:
- The use of sound enrichment
- Coping techniques
- Distraction techniques
- A six week relaxation course
- One-to-one relaxation
- Fitting a hearing aid, if appropriate
- The use of white noise generators
- Communication strategies
- Managing sleep problems
- Ongoing support
What do our patients say?
- "Having a better understanding of tinnitus and how to manage it has relieved stress and worry."
- "By understanding and managing tinnitus you can live with it."
- "Having referred to the Internet I thought there was little I could do about my tinnitus, but now know how to reduce its impact on my life. Thank you."
- "I've got my life back and that means everything!"
Useful organisations
The British Tinnitus Association
Tel: 0800 018 0527 (free of charge from within the UK only)
Tel: 0114 250 9922 (national rate within the UK)
0114 258 5694 (from within the UK)
Email: info@tinnitus.org.uk
Action on Hearing Loss
Tel: 0808 808 0123
Textphone: 0808 808 9000
Email: information@hearingloss.org.uk
Tinnitus Information line:
Tel: 0808 808 6666 (freephone)
Textphone: 0808 808 0007 (freephone)
The Birmingham and District Tinnitus Support Group
For more information, please contact us